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Friday, November 4, 2011

$4.38 piece of art

I'm sure anyone on Pinterest has seen this pinned about 1,000 times.

My friend Amber has even made one. Hers, and the ones that have been repinned look great, but it never wowed me enough to try it for myself. I wanted to try something different. Something more geometric and something with more color. I initially thought about just painting certain sections certain color (and since I bought a two pack of canvases, I probably will at some point), but then I saw this:

Obviously this is a framed print, but the original poster was sharing ideas on how to reproduce art cheaply. This could very easily be reproduced with skinny painters tape, a canvas, a yardstick, some paint and foam wedge brushes.

To make this even cheaper, I reused some old wall paint. I have quite a bit left from my summer of painting so I figured I'd give it a shot. I know you should use oil or acrylic, but if Sherry over at Young House Love can use wall paint, so can I.

Step One: Tape down your pattern. I measured, because I'm OCD, but you could totally freehand this for a more earthy pattern.

Step Two: Let your adorable cat "help". Actually what comes next is to take white paint and paint over the tape. This helps with paint smearing or leaking beneath the tape. It worked pretty well, but the lines were definitely not as crisp as I had hoped.

Step Three: Paint! I used foam brushes, because those are easier to handle when you're painting in a specific area.

Step Four: Remove the tape while the paint is still wet. Let dry and then display.

I'm very pleased with how it turned out! And it was SO cheap. Literally $4.38 on new supplies. The canvas was part of a value pack at Hobby Lobby. $7.99 for two, and then I had a 40% off coupon. And the pack of foam brushes were $1.99. All of the paint was left over from our bedroom wall and my epic wall. For the other one, I might go get a couple of the $2.00 sample pots of Glidden paint to add another color or two to it. Or I may do it in the exact same colors and hang them together.

Anyways... fun little project for a boring Thursday night at home =)

1 comment:

  1. I love how something so easy and inexpensive can add that splash of color you've been looking all over town for. Nice job!


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